Work With Me

Co-Founder Coaching

The decision to co-found a company or otherwise partner with another person in business is powerful.

When it is working optimally, a partnership can be one of the greatest assets to an organization. It also brings an additional level of complexity to running a business. A healthy business partnership, like a marriage, needs to be entered into mindfully and tended to frequently.

Startup founders, co-founders, and business partners are exposed to intense amounts of change in short periods of time, and they need to be able to grow and change alongside the business. When time is short and difficult moments go unaddressed for periods of time, co-founders can wind up with relationship debt that they don’t know how to pay off. Sometimes this threatens to derail the whole organization.

Co-founder coaching helps new business partners start off their engagement on the right foot, aligning expectations and making contingency plans for potential conflicts or setbacks. It also offers an opportunity for established partners to clarify expectations, sort through misunderstandings, more deeply grasp each other’s style and current needs, and learn to communicate in a way that preserves both autonomy and alignment. Deep trust is established in confronting and resolving differences to more powerfully support one another and the organization.

“I needed a sounding board and mirror to help me meet the next stage of my business. Lara helped me get out my head and focus on the key elements of my business as well identify my strengths and push beyond my shortcomings.”

—Co-Founder & CEO, Seed Stage Startup

Coaching Includes

  • Initial assessment

  • Follow up 90-minute integration and planning session

  • Three or six-month customized package of facilitated 60-minute co-founder meetings in person or over Zoom

  • Ongoing email and text support to keep you in your learning and accountability

Fees: Contact me for a custom quote.

Sometimes it makes sense to create a hybrid offering of Co-Founder Coaching and Team Coaching. If this is something you might be interested in, check out the Leadership Team Coaching program and let me know when we connect.